Do you want to learn how to trade Forex?

Great. Well, that’s a good start.

Because most novice traders don’t realise they need training. You do, and here you are, looking at starting The Complete Guide to Forex Trading, the online Forex trading guide that teaches you how to trade Forex.

Forex IS challenging. Did you know there’s a 95% failure rate for new traders? Sadly, it’s true.

Trading Forex may be the most challenging thing you’ll ever do. That’s why we created The Complete Guide to Forex Trading online guide for people just like you.

We believe it is possible, with commitment, for anyone to become a successful Forex Trader, and we are here to show you how. With our Complete Guide to Forex Trading, we have made it easy for you to learn.

The life of a Forex trader, just starting, can seem confusing and frustrating. How do you know what to do and what not to do?  And how do you know when you are making progress?

Throughout the guide, we don’t use the gobbledygook of Forex jargon spoken by many of the Forex teachers online?

In our view, we think you deserve the best, and you shouldn’t have to decipher what you are reading.

We believe in keeping things simple, and so we wrote a guide for you to enjoy.

The Complete Guide to Forex is written in an uncomplicated way so that you’ll find it easy to read and understand. From Chapter to Chapter, you will always feel that you are making progress towards getting started as a Forex trader. 

Tip: Our preferred forex broker is, eToro: Visit & Create Account